barry and manjusvara at the halo club, bristol

Barry performed a music/poetry set with Manjusvara just before he died, at the Halo club in Bristol. This was a new venture and afterwards Manjusvara was keen to do some more poetry/music gigs. This performance by Manjusvara captures his intimate and very creative style of connecting with his audiences. He will be greatly missed as poet and performer. 

This recording is a mixture of Manjusvara's poems and Barry's songs.  We performed with a little indian bell at the start and end, and asking for no applause.   The 35 minute set is divided into three recordings, each including some poems and a song, and one piece with poetry and guitar combined.

You can listen here to Barry's subsequent memorial performance at the Halo a few weeks after he died.

Date Location Who
May 23rd 2010 Halo Club, Bristol. Barry Lane/Manjusvara
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